Friday, January 05, 2007

The Mouse Chronicles, Pt. II

For those of you out of the loop, Mouse Chronicles pt. I happened almost three years ago, when my beloved cat Titan woke me up around 230am -- by dropping a live mouse she'd caught onto my bedspread. Hilarity ensued (well, it's hilarious looking back on it) as well as a huge vet bill. Read on for the 2K7 version...and Happy New Year!

About 6 hours ago, I was awakened by a loud thumping noise. Alarmed, I jumped out of bed and turned on the lights. I found my cat basically inhaling my shoes with her tail a-twitchin' as she went from pair to pair, then under my bed, around my computer -- ending at my dresser, which seemed to generate an unusually high interest for her.

I feared the worst, because Titan is only in hunter's mode when she sees something moving that she knows shouldn't be here, ie. bugs and/or mice. So I looked alongside my dresser, where she had wedged herself in the narrow alley between it and my wall. Everything looked ok, there was the cord for my bootleg cable, the area is clean since I just swept it out...wait, WHAT is that thin grey line???

Attempting to remain calm, I reached for my glasses, leaned in for a closer look and found...OMG, IT'S A TAIL!!! A TAIL IS STICKING OUT FROM MY DRESSER AND MY CAT IS ABOUT TO JUMP ON IT!!!

Now, one of my New Year's goals (I don't make resolutions) is to stop cursing. So I won't write what I was thinking at the time but it goes a little something like this: ##$#&*%#$$!#$$. Oh and this, too: *#$&&^!@###.

So I did what any normal, scared of mice chick would do in her time of need, that time being 3:13 in the a.m.: promptly called my childhood friend (who lives next door), threw on my robe, grabbed my cat, blanket and pillow and got the heck out of there! Having been visited by mice in recent months herself, she was quite sympathetic to me and pulled out her trundle bed for me and Titan to sleep on.

As I settled in for the night, the main thought running through my mind was 'WTF is up with these New York mice?! Have they targeted my studio?? And I have been on a cleansing diet, trying to get fit for the New Year; once again, there is really no food here for them to eat. I cooked a soy burger last night, which was my first real meal in about 4 days. Are mice going vegan and forgot to tell me? 'Cause maybe I should take a nutritional survey so I'll know what to do to prevent them from coming back!

Previously, an exterminator told me that mice tend to have set travel patterns, ie. they stick to the baseboards because they have poor eyesight. Now I guess that held true in my apartment in 2004 B.C. (Before Cat), but I have also seen mice literally leaping across my floor - front paws in the air - with joy. And if this one was near my shoes, ick, then maybe the (one) blind mice theory isn't always the case. And why the hell was I thinking about this at 5am when I should have been getting some sleep? ARGH

Titan didn't really understand our impromptu sleepover so she had some troubles adjusting. I thought 'Hey, I am with you on that one Titan...I'd give anything to be back in my full size bed instead of sharing this trundle with you. But we gotta do what we gotta do -- cause Mama doesn't have $1,000 to give to the vet this time.' So I lay there, as my cat curled up against me, alternatively sniffing my face and grooming herself. Cats stay fly no matter what happens.

For a moment, I thought that, given Titan was likely sniffing a mouse only a few moments ago, being nose-to-nose with her probably wasn't the best idea. But instead, I enjoyed it as a comforting reminder of what a normal night's sleep is like.

Cause tomorrow? Oh, it's ON like popcorn! Mice, be damned!

(and let the countdown to Miss E's move OUT of NYC begin...)


At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss E,

You've stirred up some horrible memories and you were quite funny at the same time. In my brief stay in NY (and I'm crazy for wanting to return, but that's another story) I dealt a similar incident only it was in the evening and I was preparing to stay in when that horrid creature ran across the room and into the closet that held my beloved clothes & shoes, needless to say I immediately called K.Johnson to come and get rid of the mouse that had made it's closet my home, unfortunately he disappeared and I soon moved out...I must remember on my move back to NYC to find a place where the little creatures can't get too, but I fear there is no such place. Excellent story my friend, a little humor for my day;)T


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